Frequently Asked Questions
Feel free to ask a question in the chat box on the bottom left of your screen

Are you just teaching us how to roll out our bodies?
We are teaching you how to diagnose and fix your pain using SLM Bodywork on your self with different massage tools and rollers.

I have my own rollers and balls, can I do the self-treatment using those?
Yes you can, they will be okay for a lot of the techniques, but there might be some that require other tools that you will probably need at some point.

How can I get self-treating provide more benefit than seeing a trained therapist?
Working with the program will help you get to know your body in great detail, far more than any therapist will. Eventually your knowledge and treatment skills will give you the freedom to personalise your approach to best suit you. The time you will spend on your own body will never be something you do with a therapist. Remember no one cares more about you being pain free than you.

How often will the Q&A's be held?
The plan is to match the demand we have for them. Once we have a few hundred subscribers they should be run every week or two. In the mean time there is also a section in the program where you can get answers to questions.

Do you offer a money back guarantee if i'm not happy with the content?
We’ve designed the program with no long-term contracts or commitments, so the most you’ll risk by trying it is $40 AUD. However, if you purchase the SLM Recovery Package, you’ll receive the first month for free, allowing you to experience the program at no cost. The recovery kit offers great value on its own, and you’ll find these tools useful throughout your active life.
